Utah Society Organizes on September 6, 2014
Efforts to establish a Utah Society of the War of 1812 began in early 2014 with letters being sent out to current members of the Colorado Society, but who lived in Utah to become members of this new Society of the War of 1812. Leading the charge were Joe Edwin Harris, Organizing President, and Eric Dad Ricchart, Organizing Secretary/Treasurer. Their efforts were rewarded as 13 members of the Colorado Society submitted transfer forms to became Charter Members of this new Society. The Society’s official charter date is August 10, 2014.

Utah Society of the War of 1812 – Organized on September 6, 2014. Charter members (L/R): David Brewer, Bill Simpson, Ron Stone, Joe Harris, Ben Stone, Eric Richhart, and DDPG-Mountain Garry Brewer
Six of the 13 Charter Members met in Salt Lake City on September 6, 2014 to be sworn into the Utah Society of the War of 1812 and to elect officers and approve their constitution and bylaws. District Deputy General – Mountain Garry Wayne Brewer officiated in the formal organization and presented the new Society with a state flag of the War of 1812, who also secured a state seal and name badges for the officers of this new Society. The officers elected are shown on the Officers page of this site.
Annual musters are held in August, as close to the official charter date as practical. The locations vary between the Salt Lake City and a middle to southern Utah location.
Annual Muster – Fillmore, Utah
On August 15, 2015 six members of the Society’s attended the annual muster that was held in the Utah Territorial Statehouse at Fillmore, Utah.

Annual Muster – August 15, 2015 – Utah Territorial Statehouse. Attendees (L/R) are Bill Simpson, David Brewer, Frank Gagliardi, Joe Harris (President), Eric Richhart, and Bryan Wells.
Annual Muster – Salt Lake City
On August 13, 2016 Society members gathered at the Family History Lib

General Society President General Tom Jacks
rary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint. Special guests were General Society President General Tom Jacks and Mountain District Deputy Vice President
General Garry Brewer. During this muster Utah Society Historian David Brewer delivered a presentation regarding the genealogical resources that are available through the library covering the War of 1812. President General Jacks shared with us some additional resources that are available through the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. In addition he shared with us the historical timeline of the birth of the General Society of the War of 1812 and that the General Society is in the process of publishing a roster of all ancestors ever used to validate a membership application.